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Alison Krauss
Image of Alison Krauss playing the fiddle. -
Graphic design instruments -
Rabab sound example, Gamelan Gambuh
I Wayan Sinti and the University of Washington Gamelan Gambuh Ensemble. June 9, 2004, Meany Studio Theater, University of Washington. Video recording by Chee Hoo Lum. UW Ethno Archives 2004-11. -
A two-stringed spiked fiddle held upright and played with accompanying bow. The body of the rebab is constructed of wood and covered with animal hide. The back of the body is lavishly ornamented with leather, small mirrors and plastic jewels. The bow has ornate carvings at one end and is adorned with small gold beads and red fabric ornaments. The rebab is one of the distinguishing instruments of the gamelan gambuh, which is differentiated from other gamelan ensembles by its inclusion of the suling (bamboo flute) and the rebab. The Gamelan Gambuh is a Balinese gamelan ensemble dating back to the 16th century, when it was used to accompany sacred court dance dramas. In addition to the suling and rebab, Gamelan Gambuh includes a group of percussion instruments that play fixed interlocking patterns.